Forums / The hangaround / Best player on VU?

Best player on VU?
17:30:51 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

Lets try to keep it serius.

Who is the best player on VU through times:

Who is the best player on VU right now:

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU:


I think Wyzer must be the best player now, and if he keeps it up he will be the very best through times of VU.

He is loyal, great in tactics, on the battlefield and diplomatics.

He is also mature, witch is becomming a rear thing on VU.

17:43:52 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Through times is VERY vague.... how far back are we looking?

Evans right now.

17:49:14 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

back to the start of VU. "the legends":P

and Evans is very good=)

17:56:04 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Ali(quite new), Roxy(old fart), Tbl(new)

18:11:19 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Evans:

woot ive got friends.... scientist or shezmu :D

18:35:56 Jan 6th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:

cheers m8...but it depends on activity on my part ;)

but you seem to do great the past era's...sooo...there ya go ;)

18:38:36 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

yup shezmu is right. one of the important stuff to be a great player you need activity.

21:33:07 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Factoring in all aspects of gameplay, this is my list:

Who is the best player on VU through times: 1 Sparker. 2 Draiken. 3. Jeroen

Who is the best player on VU right now: 1. Sloth. 2. Roxbury. 3. Glad <3

Who is the best prospect for the future?: TBL, Mystic, Trog(if he comes back)

21:38:34 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Ali is one of the greatest minds I've come across in my time, and one of the greatest players too.
Can't forget mielo, just for sticking in there.
Then obvious Abaddon does some mad things.
Cobra is a sneaky bugger.

Sloth is a great player.

Hell theres tonnes.

21:42:54 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Ali is great, but he isnt up there with Sloth and Roxbury. And the rest u mentioned Wilber arent even close. Cobra might contend, bu he is just like Penguin, he can kill an entire nub kd by himself, 5 ticks after oop. But he can't do it without trashing them - and every other kd on the map relentlessly in forums and pms. Ie, he has no skills - what so ever - of a statesman. Actually, Cobra is probly even worse than Pengy, becouse Pengy actually realizes ppl will get upset but does it anyway coz its fun - while Cobra is just a true easteuropean brute =)

21:47:06 Jan 6th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Cobra could flame someone until they cried...hilarious to read them...was not fun being on the recieving end.

21:47:17 Jan 6th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I vote for Nimic.

No Osiris.

No really, Nimic.

21:49:45 Jan 6th 09 - Prince Mielo:

augh, you got the context wrong:

Can't forget mielo just for sticking in there.

That's the meaning of life right? Sticking it in there and multiply yourself ....

That's what I do ...

21:51:10 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Indeed he does.

Not to mention the dirty tactics that nasty man uses, getting people banned off their internet and such.

21:53:42 Jan 6th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Oh, sorry, I thought it was "Best Dwarf Farmer", not "Best Player".

I retract my vote.

21:54:10 Jan 6th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Who is the best player on VU through times: Ford, BTK, Tobler etc i could name too many :P

Who is the best player on VU right now: sloth maybe augh if he is ugly!

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: cant say ive personally met any that set the world alight yet.

22:12:43 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Ford wasnt best player, he was great yeah, but tbh, Draiken was better. Ford just had the funniest flames =)

22:16:16 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Also complained alot when he was losing :P

22:18:33 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Who is the best player on VU through times: I wouldn't know ;)

Who is the best player on VU right now: Sloth / Augh / Most of *beep*s <3

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: Meh ofc

22:18:46 Jan 6th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

well i did have a long list with ppl like draiken roxy etc on but too long to post :D

22:33:53 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Velnias:

I give vote for Crisscross. I saw some eras ago, how he almost alone removed DR.

22:35:16 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Velnias:


22:41:34 Jan 6th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Due to inactivity and lack of caring to be honest with you. Also, the amount of fronts.

No excuses though, he is a great player and did very well.

22:50:10 Jan 6th 09 - Lady Jasmina:

Its hard to name the best, its a tactical game, everyone have different tactics, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. It all depends on Kingdoms, if you are in a bad Kingdom, you will not do as well as those in a good KD
But also if you're in trouble, good players can be seen best in those situations, when the times are rough.

Here's a little thread we had awhile ago, I asked about era winners, but basically winning an era does not mean much, it just shows your KD did good :)

00:14:32 Jan 7th 09 - Lady Vexed Angel:

Does not look like anyone is taking this thread too seriously. I would like to add that as far as being the best you should add more then just combat... diplomacy, teaching the game, tactics, coordination of troops should all play a part in your choices. Those who tend to stay alive and even prosper when their KD is on the ropes.

I may add that I am a *beep* in terms of the time the game has been around so can't comment much on the past. Heres my list of who I think are the best players, from either dealings directly or watching them.

General Gokken: Has always been very helpful within my KD and coordinates troops movement quite well as well as overall game knowledge/tactics.

Lady Vampire Queen
Lady Jasmina
Hellish Holly

Binh the Avenger: Helped my husband and I quite a bit in the start of our time here. I saw his name listed among the forums time and again for prowess within the game so I would use him as the for the ages category (though being new I have no idea how long hes played)

As far as the future: I would have to say Kegstand Mcfarland. Not because I am bias but because I have watched him win time an again on every strategy game he has ever played. I have total confidence that when he finds his groove in this game he will shine.

00:21:15 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

Well there is alot of talk about taking down whole kingdoms and stuff, Wyzer is a guy that can do that, but he is the best freakin player in organizing and doing the jobs that no one else does in my opinion.

is there any legend that has the same credits, being proffesjonell and that sort of things? or was all legends just good at flaming:P?

i would like to see a more broad judgement, thats all=)

00:24:21 Jan 7th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

all legends and top kd leaderships can organise as good as wyzer so that is nothing new. and a lot of older players have and can take down entire kds alone if they put there mind to it and are active :P so best ever im not so sure for wyzer.

00:52:48 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Ajax:

Who is the best player on VU through times: Rambo :P

Who is the best player on VU right now: Gladiator

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: pengy :P

01:08:56 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha all you haters soon will feel my wrath again :)

I'm back and ready for some carnage :P
what a bs list it's in here.

the best players in all era's


- Jeroen
- Roxy
- Draiken
- Sparker
- Me ( yes me )

will update the li*beep*rther tomorrow :P

01:09:47 Jan 7th 09 - Duke Random:

pfft... pengy. he's my *beep*.

01:11:11 Jan 7th 09 - Prince Mielo:

I'd definitely categorize binh in one of the best players <3

01:11:57 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

yeah defenitly Binh & Aligreat should be add to my list aswell :P

well Mielo is my best slave ever :P

01:36:34 Jan 7th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I got killed by Binh...truly an honor XD

02:02:48 Jan 7th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Fordi, the only things you're the best at is smoking pot and pretending to be 14 year old girls ;)

02:21:06 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

Who is the best player on VU through times: Ford..( I dunno lol , i havent been around long enough..)

Who is the best player on VU right now: SLOTH !!!

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: Sir Perkunas

03:12:40 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Ford, your list is very much like mine. Only, you're not in mine! Though, you're topping my list for best abuse of smileys by turkish-dutch cookiemonster-muppet that should start playing again asap.

04:28:09 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Adrastos the Pointy eared:

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: Remus Lupus

Did I mention it was his first era? Did I also forget to mention that he killed less then half of those with help from others? Heroditus had A LOT of help from others to reach there.
Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Lord Heroditus has won 19 battles, captured 7 cities and killed a total of 143777 men and women.
  2. Mr. Remus Lupus has won 45 battles, captured 22 cities and killed a total of 116747 men and women.

04:53:21 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Being the best isnt about doing things alone all the time. You become the best by working well with your kd mates and allies.

08:33:26 Jan 7th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Ford and Verll played a nasty joke on me...all good fun :p

10:29:59 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: pengy :P
Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: Sir Perkunas

lol i wish. i suck to much to be a good player. im not even good.. im just some lousy player that is doing his job, pumping troops and warring others. nothing special here. Aligreat,TBL,Mystic(lefty)  future kings ;)...

Who is the best player on VU through times: im quite new so dont know

Who is the best player on VU right now: its all about activity, alot of people can be now the best. Just be active

Who is the best prospect for the future? the next king of VU: Tbl,Aligreat,Lefty

10:33:43 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Cobra might contend, bu he is just like Penguin, he can kill an entire nub kd by himself, 5 ticks after oop. But he can't do it without trashing them - and every other kd on the map relentlessly in forums and pms

um augh i dont trash my enemy. its like fishing for me ;) be silent ;) wait wait wait :)
btw i dont think i trashed/flamed any nub kd that i was owning :(

10:59:11 Jan 7th 09 - Prince Mielo:

um augh i dont trash my enemy. its like fishing for me ;) be silent ;) wait wait wait :)
btw i dont think i trashed/flamed any nub kd that i was owning :(

ow gawd, how many times I wished you would be silent ....

And ofc ford, I am your best slave (I learned it from the master *wink* ... it's all about the teamwork baby! I stick you, you stick me, mutual respect is what they call it!)

11:29:10 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i like to annoy you lol ;D

12:17:46 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

all legends and top kd leaderships can organise as good as wyzer so that is nothing new.

im sure a few people can organize like Wyzer, but i think he is above them when he is at his best.

i truly believe that he is the best all around player on VU.

"and a lot of older players have and can take down entire kds alone if they put there mind to it and are active :P"

thats basicly what i said:P

16:30:34 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Spoon:


18:55:06 Jan 7th 09 - Lady Vexed Angel:


20:13:18 Jan 7th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

overcome i cant comment as ive only been in a few kds none with wyzer. i ask tho what are you using him to compare with? :D i would like someone who has been in multiple top kds to help us out with this point if anyone is around

20:21:19 Jan 7th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I thought Wyzer was in Retribution like...3 eras ago?

20:24:09 Jan 7th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

wyzer was in LDK then maybe in sheolic? and then joined lgc?

20:33:38 Jan 7th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

if wyzer was then i dont remember him and he wasnt anything to do with leadership :P sure you didnt mean someone else?

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